
2021: EUROGIP, which celebrated 30 years of activity, publishes its annual report

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > 2021: EUROGIP, which celebrated 30 years of activity, publishes its annual report

EUROGIP celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2021. Created to analyse the impact on insurance and occupational risk prevention of the European process that was being set in motion with a view to opening up the Single European Market and to participate in it, EUROGIP has since greatly diversified its activities.

The 2021 annual report presents the highlights of its activities in its areas of competence:

  • External relations – Communication
  • Monitoring and information on occupational risks in Europe
  • Studies and surveys
  • European projects
  • Standardisation in occupational health and safety
  • Coordination of PPE and Machinery certification

Annual report 2021

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