
The future ISO 45001 standard on Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems goes a step further

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > The future ISO 45001 standard on Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems goes a step further

The future ISO 45001 standard is currently being prepared in ISO/PC 283, under the responsibility of the BSI, ISO member for the United Kingdom. According to the ISO, the ISO 45001 standard “will help organizations of all sizes and industrial firms improve employee health and safety, by reducing workplace risks and creating better working conditions.” The issue is especially crucial in that “occupational diseases and injuries are a huge burden for organizations and for society as a whole, having a human cost which exceeds 2.3 million victims each year, to which can be added more than 300 million injured.”

The meeting of the ISO PC 283 WG 1 working groups to discuss the 2350 or so comments received during the second survey on the Committee Draft (CD2) will be held in Dublin from 29 June to 3 July. In principle, the ISO PC 283 project committee will meet in September in a venue not yet defined. Following these meetings the draft prISO 45001 will probably be subjected to a DIS enquiry – a public enquiry on a Draft International Standard. The standard is expected to be published in early 2017.
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