Community news|29/06/17

Modernization of OSH legislation: The UEAPME takes a position

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Modernization of OSH legislation: The UEAPME takes a position

The UEAPME, “The Voice of SMEs in Europe”, has taken a position regarding the Commission’s report on the Modernization of EU occupational safety and health legislation and policy. 

The key statements are as follows: 

  • The UEAPME, which applauds the Commission’s report and its action focused on SMEs, considers that the current EU legislative framework is thoroughly adequate and sufficient.
  • A “Think Small First” approach is essential for all legislation in the area of health and safety. The UEAPME expects a lot from the Commission’s initiative to reduce and avoid excessive administrative burdens at the national level.
  • The UEAPME supports the principle of updating EU legislation when it proves obsolete, provided that this be closely targeted. The representatives of SMEs must take part in the process, and clarification must be its key principle.
  • The UEAPME notes the emphasis placed by the Commission on carcinogenic substances and stresses the fact that a particular impact on SMEs and micro-enterprises should be assessed in greater detail with regard to costs.
  • To promote a workplace safety culture, SMEs need support to comply with health and safety rules. At the local level, awareness raising activities are needed to support micro-enterprises. The UEAPME emphasizes the need to increase the capability of SME organizations for providing advice and support.

Position paper

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