Community news|01/05/18

Brexit: The Commission warns the Internal Market players

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Brexit: The Commission warns the Internal Market players

At the end of January 2018, the European Commission’s DG Growth published a document to raise awareness among Internal Market players of the effects of Brexit and of the fact that for the remaining 27 Member States, the United Kingdom would then become a third country. 

For example, importers whose head office is currently located in the United Kingdom will lose the status of importer in accordance with Community law. Accordingly, those who currently buy their products via these intermediaries will then become importers themselves, with all the regulatory obligations that this implies. The representatives mandated by the manufacturers in accordance with Community law, currently established in the United Kingdom, will in future have to likewise be domiciled in one of the 27 EU countries to be able to perform their function. 

On the date of Brexit, the UK notified bodies for the duties of product conformity assessment will lose their notified body status and all the related rights. They will of course be no longer authorized to issue EC type examination certificates. Finally, the EC type examination certificates issued by British notified bodies will be unable to be used for placing products on the market once their five-year validity has expired. The manufacturers will therefore have to make another application for conformity assessment to European notified bodies for the certificates that have lost their validity.

Commission Document 

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