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As of next year, the government of Aragon (Diputación General de Aragón, DGA) will set up a network of sentry doctors who will record in a computer application diseases which could be of occupational origin.
Following a clinical diagnosis, the doctor will conclude as to whether the patient’s disease is indeed a work-related disease. A history of the worker’s possible exposures will be established, which will then be linked to the clinical symptomatology established by the doctor. All this will be forwarded to the Social Security bodies via the specially developed computer application. Lastly, the Mutuas will decide whether it is an occupational disease or not. The Health Department of the DGA will take an inventory of all the cases for analysis purposes.
In Navarre, this system has been used for more than twenty years. Even occupational diseases which are not at first considered as such are reported. The objective is to facilitate the doctors’ work and to check whether there has really been an occupational exposure which caused the damage.