
A major development in the drafting of international standards: the mandatory adoption of OSDs

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > A major development in the drafting of international standards: the mandatory adoption of OSDs

On 1 January 2025, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) will require the use of an online collaborative tool – OSD, for Online Standards Development – for the development of standards, from the preparatory stage through to publication, replacing the Word word processor frequently used until now.

The latter has a number of well-known drawbacks for experts: difficulty in identifying the most recent version of a document shared by several contributors, problems of compatibility and stability of formats when experts from different countries exchange documents, cumbersome management of large files, etc.

OSD should enable all the experts to interact directly, smoothly and securely, at every stage of the process. Its introduction marks a strategic turning point for improving the efficiency and transparency of standardisation:

  • Exchanges are simplified and collaboration between experts, even on a global scale, is facilitated.
  • The risk of errors linked to the multiplication of versions is eliminated, guaranteeing better traceability.
  • The platform enhances document consistency with integrated tools such as ISO-compliant model sentences.

To be able to use the platform, you need to have a project that meets the criteria of a new standard or a standard under revision, a project at the preparatory stage, or a working group ready to work. To support this transition, a number of educational resources are available on ISO website, as well as information and training sessions.

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