
NETHERLANDS: health and safety for temporary workers remains a challenge

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > NETHERLANDS: health and safety for temporary workers remains a challenge

In November, 69% of the 172 companies inspected were in breach of the rules on working conditions for temporary workers. In addition, 12% were partially or totally closed due to serious risks, such as working at height or using dangerous machinery.

Of the companies inspected, 81% employed temporary workers, 66% of whom do not speak Dutch. This language barrier, combined with a lack of training and inadequate safety instructions, exposes them to greater risks. Supervision in these companies often remains inadequate and the protection of temporary workers remains a major challenge.

The inspections also showed that 27% of companies had not informed temporary employment agencies of the risks in the workplace. In addition, 44% did not include temporary workers in their risk inventories. However, better cooperation between employers and temporary employment agencies is essential.

The Labour Inspectorate will continue its inspections and is calling for workplace accidents to be reported in order to improve transparency and prevention.

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