Community news|28/12/24

EU-OSHA 2025-2027 programme

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The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has presented its ‘Single Programming Document 2025-2027’. It details the activities planned, the objectives to be achieved and the priorities for optimising the use of its resources and network.

It should be noted that 2025 will be the first year of EU-OSHA’s new strategy, which will run until 2034 and is based on three main priorities:

  • Providing evidence and knowledge for policymaking, including legislation, and research on occupational safety and health.
  • Promoting and facilitating the development of tools and resources to improve the prevention of safety and health risks.
  • Raising awareness and networking to foster a positive occupational safety and health prevention culture at workplaces and in society

‘The Strategy provides a good basis for EU-OSHA to continue to contribute to the protection of the safety and health of workers in Europe. It will also put EU-OSHA in a strong position to deliver on important EU priorities such as the green and digital transitions as well as demographic change. More specifically, EU-OSHA will contribute to the realisation of the EU Strategic Frameworks on Health and Safety at Work and priorities of the new European Commission such as the Quality Jobs Roadmap and the new Action Plan on the Implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

2025 will be a transition year where the new Strategy will gradually be reflected in EU-OSHA’s work. As is clear from the Strategy, its successful implementation requires close and constructive collaboration with a wide range of network partners, in particular the Focal Points and their national tripartite networks’.

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