
GERMANY: a guide to better management of ageing in the workplace

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GERMANY: a guide to better management of ageing in the workplace

In response to the ageing of the workforce, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) has published the first edition of the Later Life Workplace Index (LLWI). This handbook lists concrete actions to improve the working lives of older workers in the workplace, and includes a questionnaire for any organization wishing to self-assess on the subject.

The main challenge is to preserve the health, performance, employability and motivation of employees until the end of their careers. In this context, several measures are aimed at reducing age-related occupational risks, such as musculoskeletal disorders, sensory loss and psychological risks associated with retirement.

Among the concrete recommendations outlined in the LLWI, an organization can :

  • encourage health programs by offering adapted group sports classes and physiotherapy sessions, or encourage soft mobility and the use of stairs in the workplace;
  • guarantee equal opportunities for people of all ages when recruiting, applying for training, promotion or accessing positions of responsibility;
  • adapting working conditions to the needs of the worker, e.g. increasing lighting capacity, purchasing more comfortable tools or providing larger, more visible control buttons.

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