Community news|28/03/17

A European framework agreement on active ageing at work

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > A European framework agreement on active ageing at work

After nine months of negotiations, on 8 March 2017 the European employer and employee representatives signed a framework agreement which aims to facilitate the active participation of older workers in the labour market until retirement age and to promote an intergenerational approach.

The signatories, BusinessEurope, UEAPME, CEEP and ETUC, wanted to ensure healthy, safe and productive work environments to enable workers to work until the legal retirement age.

The document should facilitate the transfer of knowledge and experience between generations in the workplace. It emphasizes the tools and measures required for the social partners and human resource managers with a view to active ageing, including the following in the area of occupational safety and health:

  • Adjustment of processes and workplaces;
  • Distribution/breakdown of tasks among workers;
  • Effective risk prevention and assessment strategies, taking into account the legal obligations, including training for all workers in health and safety rules in the workplace;
  • The proactive promotion of health, including, for example, by awareness raising measures;
  • Bolstering management knowledge at the appropriate levels in order to meet the challenges and define possible solutions in this area;
  • Measures taking into account workers’ physical and mental health;
  • Examination of the measures jointly by management and the health and safety representatives, in accordance with existing legislative requirements.

Framework agreement

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