Community news|04/03/19

Agreement on the European Labour Authority

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Agreement on the European Labour Authority

On 14 February the Commission, the Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement concerning the legislative proposal made by the Commission in March 2018 to create a European Labour Authority.

“I have always said that we need clear, fair and enforceable rules on labour mobility. Today’s agreement on the European Labour Authority is the cherry on the cake of a fair European labour market. It will serve the double mission of helping national authorities fight fraud and abuse and making mobility easy for citizens,” said the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen.

The agreement will be submitted to the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Council (Coreper) for approval. Once confirmed, it will be submitted for a final vote in a plenary session of the European Parliament.

According to the ETUC, this new body will help to strengthen workers’ rights by helping national authorities apply and enforce European labour law, and to combat abuses concerning labour mobility, the social security system and worker posting. It will also improve information regarding the rights and obligations of workers and employers, coordinate and support inspections and stimulate cooperation between Member States to enforce the application of EU law.



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