Community news|02/11/16

An e-guide on OSH management in the context of an ageing labour force

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > An e-guide on OSH management in the context of an ageing labour force

As part of its “Healthier and safer work at any age” campaign“, EU-OSHA is making available a multilingual electronic guide on occupational safety and health management in the context of an ageing labour force.

Depending on their profile (employers, workers, HR Managers or occupational safety and health professionals), users have access to information which is specific to them around four themes:

  • Ageing and work
  • Healthier and safer work at any age
  • Promotion of occupational health
  • Return to the workplace.

For each theme there are examples of good practices and useful links for further reading.

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FRANCE: an interactive video for safety on board fishing vessels

The “Institut maritime de prévention” (IMP), supported by the  CNPMEM (maritime fisheries and marine farming Committee), has launched an interactive video on safety at work on board fishing vessels. It is aimed at professional sailors, teachers and students at maritime schools, and all those involved in risk prevention in the maritime environment.