Community news|24/03/23

Artificial intelligence: an agreement signed in the metalworking sector

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Artificial intelligence: an agreement signed in the metalworking sector

The European social partners in the metalworking sector (Ceemet and IndustriAll Europe) adopted joint conclusions on 22 February to provide guidance to the social partners in the metal, engineering and technology industries “on how to address AI in the workplace”.

They recognise both the innovative potential of AI and the negative impacts it can bring. With particular reference to occupational health and safety, the signatories point out that “AI can replace repetitive and monotonous tasks with more challenging or interesting tasks for workers. Good management of AI can contribute to a positive working environment, especially with regard to psychosocial risks”. However, human-machine collaboration in a shared work environment can lead to new types of risks that need to be taken into account.

Ceemet and industriAll Europe encourage “early consultation of workers and, where appropriate, their representatives in the decision-making process concerning the introduction of new AI systems, including the design, preparation of specifications for all stakeholders, development and deployment of the system. This will undoubtedly increase confidence in the technology and help workers to fully exploit the capabilities of the technology”.

[Source: IR Notes 204,]

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