
Asbestos diagnosis: A new version of French standard NF X46-020

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Asbestos diagnosis: A new version of French standard NF X46-020

A new version of French standard NF X46-020, which defines how to detect asbestos in building stock, comes into effect on 1 October 2017.

The four main changes are:

  • A more suitable definition of the responsibilities incumbent on the client and the detection operator;
  • The appearance (in Appendix A) of the concept of zones having structural similarities (‘ZPSO’), making it possible to optimize the performance of detection work, and even reduce the number of samples to be taken;
  • Possibility, for the detection operator, of concluding as to the presence or absence of asbestos, depending on the various situations encountered;
  • More comprehensive description of spot checks and samples to be taken for various structures;
  • Description of the techniques to be used for spot checks, and in particular the tools that can be used.

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