
AUSTRIA: OSH figures in 2019

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Since the 1990s, the number of accidents at work has almost halved. This is a result that is welcomed by Alexander Bernart, Director General of AUVA, who presented the occupational safety and health statistical results in 2019.

Last year, AUVA recognised 105,449 accidents at work, 54,589 accidents involving trainees and 1,198 occupational illnesses. The number of accidents involving trainees decreased by 0.9% compared to 2018 (-941). On the other hand, the number of accidents involving schoolchildren, pupils and kindergarten children increased by +1.5% and the number of occupational diseases by +5.1%.

The construction sector again recorded the highest accident rate, i.e. 64.3 accidents per 1,000 employees, followed by water supply and waste treatment (52.4). In absolute figures, however, industry leads with 18,624 accidents (17,455 in construction and related industries).

The most common causes of accidents were “loss of control” of machines, means of transport and tools (33,643 accidents), falls (18,865) and “bodily movements without physical effort” such as collisions or walking on sharp objects (17,669).

Among the recognised occupational diseases, noise-induced hearing loss comes first with 697 cases (compared to 640 in 2018), followed by skin diseases with 109 cases (2018: 124) and 103 asbestos-related lung diseases (larynx or pleura – 2018: 108).

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