Abroad, Covid-19 News|06/04/21

AUSTRIA: record drop in work-related injuries during pandemic

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > AUSTRIA: record drop in work-related injuries during pandemic

In 2020, the confinements imposed by the coronavirus pandemic resulted in an unprecedented contraction in employment levels and a historic 60% drop in work-related claims compared to 2019.

In total, AUVA recognised 100,364 work-related claims cases in 2020:

  • 90,233 work-related accidents (WIAs), of which 67,792 occurred to working people and 22,441 to people in training;
  • 931 cases of occupational diseases, i.e. a decrease of almost 30% (1198 in 2019);
  • 9,200 commuting accidents.

In 2020, 83 people died as a result of a recognised occupational injury. The accident occurred in 2020 in 44 cases, in 2019 in 14 cases, between 1982 and 2018 in the other cases. Since 1990, the number of accidents has decreased by about half. But decreases were particularly marked in December and April 2020, with about 3,000 and 4,000 fewer cases respectively.

The number of accidents has decreased in all sectors
The decrease in the number of accidents in absolute terms in 2020 compared to 2019 concerned all major sectors of activity:

  • manufacturing industry (“production of goods”): – 4,000 accidents
  • construction: – 2,743
  • trade: – 2,705
  • “Other economic services”: – 2,800. This last sector includes all temporary workers whose number decreased by about 20,000.

The great majority of commuting accidents are traffic accidents. The decrease in traffic due to teleworking and the reduction of working hours led to decreases of more than 50% in some months compared to the previous year. Thus, the number of work-related traffic accidents in general decreased by almost 3,000, especially in April and November 2020.

Source (in German)

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