
BELGIUM: Publication of occupational disease statistics for 2014

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The Belgian occupational disease insurer, the FMP, presents the first 2014 statistics on claims for compensation for all pathologies, then by disease, and finally on cases recognized as having a work-related origin. 

The FMP received 9,545 claims for compensation in 2014, compared with 10,134 in 2013. This figure has therefore remained roughly stable. But, over several years, we note that it has increased. This increase is largely due to the 2012 registration of tendinitis on the list of occupational diseases. In 2014, 3,164 claims were sent to the FMP for this condition, and 1,512 for carpal tunnel conditions. By themselves, these conditions account for 50% of claims for recognition; these are followed by back conditions, and articular, osseous and disc disorders. 

For the 9,545 claims for compensation sent to the FMP in 2014, 3,182 positive decisions were issued, versus 2,987 in 2013; 883 cases concerned permanent work disabilities and 1,689 were temporary disabilities.

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