
BELGIUM: Fedris has published its 1st annual report

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > BELGIUM: Fedris has published its 1st annual report

The Federal Agency for Occupational Risks, Fedris, was created in 2017 from the merger of the Occupational Diseases Fund (FMP) and the Accidents at work Fund (FAT). For the first time, it has just published an annual report, which takes stock of its achievements and the number of occupational injuries in 2019.

Fedris has thus set up a three-year pilot project to support burn-out victims. Workplace accident insurance has been harmonised and improved for people undergoing training in the workplace (“Petits statuts” project). With regard to the prevention of asbestos-related risks, Fedris conducted a campaign in partnership with Constructiv and created a new website for the Asbestos Fund. Lastly, Fedris has become a little more digitalized to facilitate the work of staff and make the processing of files for social security contributors more efficient.

With regard to accidents at work, Fedris received 219,448 reports (private and public sectors), 88.7% of which were recognised as such. Moreover, it has noted that for the past five years the number of first claims for compensation for occupational diseases has remained stable, at 7,848 in 2019. A positive decision was taken for 2,234 cases (30%), 992 concerned tendinopathies, a pathology that also concerns the most claims (2,559 in 2019).

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