Community news|28/09/18

Burnout in the workplace: a review of data and policy responses in the EU

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Burnout in the workplace: a review of data and policy responses in the EU

What is the impact? Is it a disease or a syndrome? What work determinants? These questions are at the heart of the report published on 10 September by Eurofound, which compares existing data and policies on burnout.

The study is based on responses to a questionnaire sent to Eurofound correspondents in the EU-28 countries and Norway. It reveals that the phenomenon is increasing, as well as differences in the understanding and definitions of burnout between self-reporting and medical diagnosis. The prevalence of burnout is higher in the first case and it is more frequent among women than among men.

Some people define burnout as a syndrome, others as a disease. In the absence of a common definition, the data are difficult to compare. All correspondents agree on the multiple determinants of burnout. According to the authors of the report, nine countries were able to present representative and specific data on burnout over the last 10 years: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal. Steel according to the authors, burnout is currently recognised as an occupational disease only in Italy and Latvia.

Read the report

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