Community news


Napo is back to fight MSDs in the workplace

Since 2007, when Napo introduced his Lighten the Load film to raise awareness about work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), the still high prevalence of this serious health problem in Europe, has inspired Napo to present 6 new video clips, once again full of humour and good advice.

Community news


How to work with chronic rheumatism and MSDs

A new EU-OSHA fact sheet focuses on rheumatic diseases and chronic musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). These conditions are common and will become even more so as the working population ages. All too often, they lead to early retirement from work. Yet many adjustments are easy and inexpensive to implement.

Community news


Eurofound e-survey: Living, working and Covid-19

Eurofound has just put online the 3rd round of its survey “Living, working and COVID-19”. Its aim is to understand the profound implications of the pandemic on the way people live and work in Europe. The first two rounds of the survey were carried out in April and July 2020.