

A major development in the drafting of international standards

On 1 January 2025, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) will require the use of an online collaborative tool - OSD, for Online Standards Development - for the development of standards, replacing the Word word processor frequently used until now.



Safety and standardisation: focus on continuous handling equipment

Continuous handling systems go beyond simply moving objects. They include actions such as storage, production or order picking. Their use can lead to serious accidents. Preventing such accidents is a priority for the French Occupational Injuries and Diseases Branch (Branche AT/MP), which is playing an active role in standardisation work.



No workshop agreements to deal with OHS

CEN has taken a decision similar to that taken by CENELEC for electrical engineering. Its “Workshop Agreements” (CWAs), which are often drawn up at short notice to meet the needs of rapidly developing sectors, will no longer be able to cover occupational health and safety (OHS). This position is supported in particular by INRS and EUROGIP in France.



Free access to European harmonised technical standards

The new ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) of 5 March 2024 in the so-called “Malamud” case (C-588/21 P) will have a significant impact on standardisation work in Europe and will make access to so-called harmonised standards free of charge.