Community news|20/11/20

Commission publishes roadmap on new OSH strategy

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Commission publishes roadmap on new OSH strategy

The European Commission has just published a roadmap on the future Strategy on Health and Safety at Work (OSH) 2021-2027. It is open for comments until 26 November 2020.

The Commission intends to work in continuity on the issues included in the previous multi-annual strategies, such as the reduction of exposure to dangerous substances and accidents at work. It also plans to deal with emerging risks related to new technologies, as well as pandemic preparedness and conditions for continuing work during a pandemic. The means envisaged range from stimulating coordination and exchange of good practice between Member States to encouraging the updating of national TWU plans.

The roadmap will be the subject of a public consultation at the end of the year. The new Strategy could be published in the second quarter of 2021.

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