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DÉBATS D’EUROGIP 2019: Register now

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > DÉBATS D’EUROGIP 2019: Register now

The EUROGIP Discussions (“Les Débats d’EUROGIP”) on 21 March 2019 will focus on the issue “Occupational health and safety: what levers in Europe for a culture of prevention in the workplace?”.

After 30 years of continuous decline in the frequency of accidents at work, it is becoming increasingly difficult to control the remaining loss experience. Companies and their insurers against occupational injuries in Europe are now advocating for more tailor-made solutions, as close as possible to the size and sector of activity of workplaces, to create a genuine culture of prevention.

The EUROGIP Discussions on 21 March 2019 will take stock of international, national and sectoral approaches in this area, of the support provided by occupational injury and health insurers in Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Denmark and of the occupational health and safety management standards.

Companies of all sizes and from different sectors of activity will share their practices in favour of a culture of prevention.

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