
Establishment of an ISO TC for waste management, recycling and road operation service

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Establishment of an ISO TC for waste management, recycling and road operation service

Upon a proposal by the German DIN, in September the ISO Technical Management Office approved the establishment of an international Technical Committee, ISO/TC 297, on “Waste management, recycling and road operation service”. The secretariat was assigned to DIN.

France had disapproved of the establishment of this TC on the grounds that European standards cover nearly all the proposed subjects. Moreover, a consensus, which is hard to obtain on vehicles and containers on the European level, will be even more complex on the international level and will make it harder to comply with the essential health and safety requirements of the European directives. ISO/TC 297 must now clarify its title and its scope of work. It must also make sure that there is no overlap with other work in progress, e.g. the work of ISO/TC 195, “Building construction machinery and equipment”.

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