
EU annual work programme regarding European standardization for 2018

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As per European Regulation 1025/2012, the Commission is obliged to specify the strategic priorities of European standardization. These priorities, which reflect the Commission’s policy objectives, are published in the EU’s annual work programme regarding European standardization. The Commission recently presented the programme for 2018.

Two points in particular concern occupational health and safety more specifically:

  • “The market needs new harmonized standards concerning specific types of machines such as 3D printers, robots, autonomous vehicles, wind turbines and automated machines. To meet the demand, these innovative products are developed rapidly and are quickly disseminated in the European market. In order to correct the current situation of self-certification of conformity procedures, it is essential that there be European standards to guarantee safety and access to the market. Relevant international standardization activities should also be taken into account.
  • It is necessary to modernize the current harmonized standards on explosives for civil use in order to reflect the latest technological progress and improve the security and quality of conformity assessments of these products. The existence of harmonized standards will contribute to the establishment of minimum requirements to improve the health protection and safety of workers who could be exposed to the risk of an explosive atmosphere.”

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