Community news|18/04/16

EU-OSHA has launched the 2016-2017 campaign on “Healthier and safer work at any age”

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > EU-OSHA has launched the 2016-2017 campaign on “Healthier and safer work at any age”

campagne 2016-17 EUOSHAOn 15 April 2016, EU-OSHA officially launched its 2016-2017 campaign entitled “Healthier and safer work at any age”. The campaign mainly deals with sustainable work and ageing in good health, stressing the importance of risk prevention from the outset and throughout the working life.

Like the previous ones, this campaign highlights the benefits of good health and safety in the workplace for workers, enterprises and society as a whole.

EU-OSHA proposes various tools (an electronic guide, practical guidelines, case studies, publications, a Napo film, etc.), as well as targeted information for workers, employers, occupational health and safety professionals, human resources managers, researchers and policymakers. All these resources are designed to assess and manage risks or provide a contribution to the campaign.

Campaign website

Find out more about the good practice prizes, which reward innovative solutions within the framework of the campaign

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