Community news|30/01/25

EU-OSHA: its 2025-2034 priorities for action to protect workers

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > EU-OSHA: its 2025-2034 priorities for action to protect workers

The 2025-2034 strategy of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) aims to protect workers by informing policy, supporting occupational risk prevention, raising awareness and engaging key players. It responds to evolving challenges and gives the Agency the means to act in the face of major changes, such as the green and digital transitions and the ageing of the workforce.

The strategy is based on three mutually reinforcing strands, an important synergy for increasing the impact of EU-OSHA’s work:

  • Providing evidence and knowledge on current, new and emerging risks; analysing their impact on occupational safety and health; supporting their prevention to assist policy development and research.
  • Promoting and facilitating the development of tools and resources, and helping the Agency’s networks and partners to improve prevention.
  • Carrying out awareness-raising and networking activities; enable the Agency and its stakeholders to strengthen a positive culture of prevention.

EU-OSHA emphasises the importance of being an ‘environmentally and socially sustainable organisation, using available resources wisely and responsibly’. It will strengthen its collaboration with the EU and its ‘national focal points’, which is essential to maximise the impact of its action.

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