Community news|15/06/16

EU-OSHA publishes its 2015 annual report

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The ESENER-2 survey, the campaign on PSRs, OiRA, the new website, the Napo films, etc. The annual report which was published recently presents the highlights of 2015 for the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). 

The head of the Agency, Christa Sedlatschek, stressed that “We must be capable of adapting to changes in the working world and the related challenges, and of working together to achieve the best possible results”. “In this spirit, in 2015, EU-OSHA published articles giving experts’ viewpoint on three new and emerging risks and their impact on occupational safety and health (OSH): crowdsourcing, drugs and robotics.”

Among the key events of 2015, EU-OSHA emphasizes in particular:

  • The launch of the new EU-OSHA website and the Napo site, which now offer easier browsing and can be looked up on mobile devices.
  • The publication of the results of ESENER-2, the second Enterprise Survey on New and Emerging Risks. The results are now available via the new interactive online survey dashboard.
  • The presentation in Brussels of the main results of the major pilot project on older workers, entitled “Safer and healthier work at any age”.
  • The success of the Online Interactive Risk Assessment tool, OiRA, with 86 projects available at the end of the year and 30 others in the development stage. Moreover, a new user interface, OiRA 2.0, was launched for an improved user experience. Finally, EU-OSHA emphasizes that in November the OiRA project was awarded a Best Practice Certificate by the European Public Sector Award (EPSA) scheme.
  • The “Healthy Workplaces” summit, marking the end of the campaign dedicated to psychosocial risk prevention, in Bilbao in November.

Annual Report


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