Community news|28/02/18

EU-OSHA publishes its Programming Document 2018-2020

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The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has published its “programming document” for the next three years. This will cover its activities until the end of its Multi-annual Strategic Programme 2014-2020.

EU-OSHA gives a reminder that it has been entrusted with a key role in implementation of the EU Strategic Framework for Safety and Health at Work, and the performance of this mission is an essential requirement for the programming document.

The key activities include, in particular:

  • The OiRA tool which helps to meet the challenge of improving the implementation of OSH legislation in Europe by facilitating the implementation of good-quality online risk assessments, especially in small enterprises and micro-enterprises;
  • The 2018-2019 campaign on dangerous substances, which will be an important contribution to stepping up the fight against occupational cancer and dealing with dangerous substances, which are two challenges identified in the European Commission’s January 2017 report;
  • The campaign starting in 2020 on the prevention of MSDs, which are very prevalent and account for a large proportion of work-related absenteeism;
  • The creation of an EU OSH information System and a worker exposure survey.

“Though being responsive to new needs will continue to be important, EU-OSHA’s capacity to accommodate new requests will be reduced due to the reduction in staff over recent years”, concludes the EU-OSHA Director, Christa Sedlatschek, in the foreword to the document.

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