Community news|19/09/17

EU to set up a European Labour Authority

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > EU to set up a European Labour Authority

In his State of the Union Address 2017 at the European Parliament, President Juncker announced plans for a European Labour Authority. The authority will build on existing agencies, including EU-OSHA and Eurofound, and structures to manage better cross-border and joint activities, for instance in terms of skills forecasting, health and safety at work, the management of restructuring and tackling undeclared work.

At the same time, it will: 

  • strengthen administrative cooperation and mutual trust for a fair mobility in the Single Market, including by solving possible disputes between national authorities;
  • pool existing tools for cross-border mobility to provide a one-stop shop for citizens, business and public authorities (EURES-the European job mobility portal, EU social security coordination, European Health Insurance Card, EU blue card, etc.);
  • fight abuse of labour and social legislation and organise joint cross-border control activities.

“We should make sure that all EU rules on labour mobility are enforced in a fair, simple and effective way by a new European inspection and enforcement body. It seems absurd to have a Banking Authority to police banking standards, but no common Labour Authority for ensuring fairness in our single market. We will create one”, said President Juncker.

Read the fact sheet 

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