6th International FOHNEU congress New Occupational Health Horizons, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, March 16–18, 2016

Occupational health faces new challenges. Economic crisis, immigration, demographic changes, unemployment, temporary work, work insecurity, ageing work force, mobile workers are merging factors which affect the health at the workplace. Prevalence of stress, depression and other mental disorders is likely to be related with the above risks. Common chronic diseases like cardio vascular, musculoskeletal problems are related to behaviors affected by the working conditions. New physical risks like EMF, nanotechnology and other new technological implementations demand new targeted effective, preventive measures. On the other hand, technologies facilitate health surveillance of the working force and enhance the applicability of measures that may improve health promotion at the workplace. In this framework Occupational Health Nurses (OHNs) have to be continually updated, applying evidence based practices to workers needs/best interest, imposing the revision of the context and strategies of occupational health nursing.

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