
FINLAND: AI to reduce caregivers’ workloads

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Thanks to a new solution that uses voice recognition and artificial intelligence (AI), the time spent recording care tasks has been reduced from 45′ daily to 20′, equivalent to 6% of working time. “We need to have the courage to embrace new technologies so that our skilled staff can focus on what machines can’t replace: meeting people,” says Minna Nissinen, Business Development Manager at Attendo behind the solution.

Speech recognition transforms speech into text and automatically categorizes entries, lightening caregivers’ administrative tasks. Real-time recording means caregivers don’t have to memorize so much information. What’s more, fewer mechanical tasks mean more human interaction and better patient care. Finally, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), which evaluated the solution, points out that it was developed with the real needs of staff in mind, guaranteeing its effectiveness and adoption.

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