
FINLAND: the number of accidents at work rose in 2021

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FINLAND: the number of accidents at work rose in 2021

In 2021, more than 91,159 accidents at work occurred in Finland, around 4,500 more than in 2020. As in the previous year, construction workers (10,787), care and health service workers (9,367) and machine shop and foundry workers (7,162) were most affected.

The number of accidents at work follows economic trends. In 2021, they will therefore reflect the good economic situation in industry, commerce and construction. At the same time, the number of traffic accidents, including commuting accidents, increased at the end of the year due to the sliding weather conditions.

The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (Työelämätieto) has compiled data on accidents at work from 2014 to 2021, offering various tables and graphs on the frequency of accidents, the mode of injury, the cause, the event preceding the accident, etc. These data come from insurance companies and compensation payments.

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