
FRANCE: a new good practice guide for employers in times of Covid-19

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE: a new good practice guide for employers in times of Covid-19

As the Covid19 epidemic progresses, the Ministry of Labour and the Occupational Health and Risk Insurance propose the guide “Covid-19: advice and good practices for the employer”.

This has been drawn up on the basis of the “national protocol to ensure the health and safety of employees in the workplace in the face of the Covid 19 epidemic”. It is therefore an essential document for companies, knowing that they have a health and social obligation to protect their employees as well as their external audiences (customers, service providers, etc.).

The guide goes back step by step to the actions to be carried out as a priority by the employer, namely :

  • assess the risks,
  • to put in place the means to protect employees,
  • react in the event of contamination of an employee,
  • take measures in the event of an enterprise cluster.

It also identifies contacts and reference sites to quickly find the right information in an ever-changing health context. In addition, the Health Insurance – Occupational Risks offers the free application Covid 19 Action Plan which enables the company to update its single risk assessment document (DUER) and to define its action plan in relation to its situation as well as solutions by sector of activity.

A version of the best practice guide for employees will soon be available.

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