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FRANCE-GERMANY: OSH indicators 2010-2014

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE-GERMANY: OSH indicators 2010-2014

The information in this document are intended to complement the harmonized statistics published by Eurostat. The challenge for EUROGIP is to identify, among the data available for the two countries, those to ensure both data comparability and monitoring over time. This document presents not only statistical data, but also financial ones, in particular active annuities paid to the insured following an accident at work, commuting accident or occupational disease. It will be regularly updated to enable consistent monitoring of information over time.

The information put into perspective by EUROGIP come from official data of the competent bodies of the two countries concerned, namely the National Fund of the Occupational Risks Department of Health insurance for employees (CNAMTS) in France and Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV) in Germany.

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