
FRANCE: heatwaves now covered by the bad weather scheme

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE: heatwaves now covered by the bad weather scheme

Under a decree that came into force on 30 June 2024, heatwaves are finally recognised as grounds for temporary unemployment due to bad weather in the construction sector. This system, activated by decision of the employer or site manager, is designed in particular to protect workers.

It allows work to be suspended in the event of dangerous weather conditions – snow, frost, ice, rain and strong winds – as defined by order of the Minister for Employment. For a heatwave to be recognised as a reason for temporary unemployment due to bad weather, it must :

  • occur during the seasonal watch period (from 1 June to 15 September),
  • be the subject of a severe heat alert issued by Météo France (with orange or red vigilance) or by prefectoral decree.

The text does not cover heat peaks, i.e. episodes lasting only a day or two (yellow heatwave alert), during which the company will be able to continue work on the site.

Decree no. 2024-630, 28 June 2024: OJ 29 June 2024, text no. 20

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