
FRANCE: preventing risks in micro-entreprises

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE: preventing risks in micro-entreprises

To help managers of micro enterprises to prevent occupational risks, the French Insurance against occupational injuries (Assurance Maladie – Risques professionnels) has offered a series of webinars since the beginning of the year. It has collected the videos on YouTube, which cover different sectors/risks:

  • Office work
  • Fast food
  • Waste
  • Local food shops
  • Bakery, pastry, ice cream
  • Butchers, delicatessens, fishmongers
  • Road haulage and courier services
  • Road passenger transport
  • Removal

See the webinars (in French)

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FRANCE: an interactive video for safety on board fishing vessels

The “Institut maritime de prévention” (IMP), supported by the  CNPMEM (maritime fisheries and marine farming Committee), has launched an interactive video on safety at work on board fishing vessels. It is aimed at professional sailors, teachers and students at maritime schools, and all those involved in risk prevention in the maritime environment.