
FRANCE: The parliamentary task force on job burn-out publishes a provisional report

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE: The parliamentary task force on job burn-out publishes a provisional report

The French Parliament’s task force on job burn-out recently published a draft report entitled “Job burn-out: a little-recognized reality”.

The report recommends 27 measures, ranging from the establishment of a national reference centre on mental health to work on improving the occupational rehabilitation of job burn-out victims, for example.

The last seven measures concern more specifically the occupational injury and disease insurance organization:

  • Experiment, for a limited period, with a reduction to 10% [editor’s note: instead of 25% at present] or the elimination of the minimum rate of permanent work disability necessary for the recognition of mental illnesses as occupational diseases.


  • After defining job burn-out and the conditions in which it may be attributable to work activity, propose establishing the corresponding table of occupational diseases.
  • Have the commission established by Article L. 176-2 of the French Social Security Code assess the cost of work-related mental illnesses currently incurred by the health insurance organization.
  • Improve information on the methods of recognition of and compensation for occupational risks, for the private-sector employees and civil servants concerned and their representatives.
  • Have the Occupational Injuries Branch cover follow-up by a clinical psychologist, prescribed following an occupational injury or disease.
  • Enhance the capacity of the current system for handling claims for recognition of off-list occupational diseases, in particular by doubling the busiest regional committees for recognition of occupational diseases (“CRRMPs”) and increasing the resources available to them.
  • Improve transparency and the participation of both parties in the procedure for investigating files for recognition of occupational diseases by the primary health insurance funds and CRRMPs.

Download the report (in French)

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