
GERMANY: German Social Accident Insurance publishes annual figures for 2017

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GERMANY: German Social Accident Insurance publishes annual figures for 2017

According to the 2017 results, the risk of suffering an occupational accident in trade and industry and in the public sector fell once again last year. And overall, the number of cases of the most common occupational diseases fell slightly compared to the previous year.

The risk of suffering a reportable accident at work was lower last year than it has ever been before. The figures show a drop in the relative accident rate from 21.89 to 21.16 reportable occupational accidents per 1,000 equivalent full workers – a new record low. This drop can be observed across all sectors; only in the trade sector was a small increase observed.

The total number of cases in which suspicion of an occupational disease was confirmed fell by 4.9% to 38,080. Non-melanoma skin cancer, the third most common occupational disease, was however an exception, with an increase of 165 cases.

Expenditure by the German Social Accident Insurance on prevention, rehabilitation, financial compensation and administration was around €13.2 billion in 2017 – an increase of €287 million or around 2.2% over the previous year.

The average premium rate levied by the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for trade and industry nevertheless fell from €1.18 to €1.16 per €100 total wage costs. Never before has the average premium rate been so low.

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