
GERMANY: less accidents at work in 2019

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GERMANY: less accidents at work in 2019

In 2019, the number of reportable accidents at work fell by 0.4% compared to 2018 to 873,971 and commuting accidents by 0.9% to 186,859 cases. This is revealed by the preliminary figures published by the DGUV for the private and public sectors.

On the other hand, there are 816 fatal accidents, 86 more than in 2018. This increase is almost entirely attributable to accidents at work, with the number of commuting accidents remaining stable (309 compared to 310). This is due to the fact that in 82 cases the fatalities occurred between 2000 and 2005 and could not be included in the statistics until 2019 due to criminal proceedings.

New accident annuities decreased again in 2019 to 17,914, 193 less than in 2018. The number of persons who were awarded an accident at work pension for the first time was 13,303 compared to 13,559 in 2018. Pensions paid for commuting accidents increased slightly (+0.4%).

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