
GREAT BRITAIN: The Health and safety at work figures 2017/2018

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GREAT BRITAIN: The Health and safety at work figures 2017/2018

In October, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) published the Health and safety at work Summary statistics for Great Britain 2018:

  • 1.4 million work-related ill health cases (new or long-standing) in 2017/18, including 541,000 new cases
  • 2,595 deaths due to mesothelioma related to previous exposures to asbestos
  • 144 workers killed at work
  • 555,000 Non-fatal injuries to workers according to self-reported estimates from the Labour Force Survey in 2017/18
  • 595,000 workers suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety (new or long-standing)
  • 469,000 workers suffering  from work-related musculoskeletal disorders, including 156,000 new cases
  • 71,062 employee non-fatal injuries reported by employers under RIDDOR in 2017/18
  • 30.7 million working days lost due to work related ill health and non-fatal workplace injuries in 2017/18
  • £15 billion: Annual costs of work related injury and new cases of ill health in 2016/17, excluding long latency illness such as cancer.

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