
GREAT BRITAIN: workplace accident figures 2023-2024

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GREAT BRITAIN: workplace accident figures 2023-2024

On Wednesday 20 November, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) published its accident statistics for the period 2023-2024. It reveals a relatively stable situation compared with the previous period, but with higher rates than in the pre-pandemic period of 2018-2019.

It reveals the following key figures for Great Britain (2023/24):

  • 1.7 million workers suffer from an occupational illness, including 776,000 from work-related stress, depression or anxiety
  • 543,000 workers suffer from a work-related musculoskeletal disorder
  • 2,257 people have died from mesothelioma due to previous exposure to asbestos (2022)
  • 138 fatal accidents at work
  • 604,000 workers were injured at work (Labour Force Survey)
  • 61,663 employee injuries reported under the RIDDOR regulation
  • 33.7 million working days lost due to occupational diseases and accidents
  • Estimated cost of injuries and ill-health related to current working conditions: £21.6 billion (2022/23).

Sarah Albon, Director General of the HSE, which was legally established 50 years ago, welcomes the progress made since then, ‘including a reduction of around 85% in workplace fatalities’. Despite this, she acknowledges that challenges remain.

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