Community news|28/04/23

Healthy Workplaces 2023 Film Prize: entries now open!

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Healthy Workplaces 2023 Film Prize: entries now open!

You have until 31 May to submit your work-related documentary films for the Healthy Workplaces Film Award 2023.

The winning documentary film will be showcased at the Festival, which will take place from 19 to 29 October 2023, and awarded with a prize of €5,000. In addition, EU-OSHA is funding the subtitling of the winning films in several European languages.

The documentary should focus on the human being in a changing world of work. It should deal with the effects of political and economic changes on the way we work and live, or with work-related issues such as physical and psychosocial conditions, existing and new risks at work.

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