Community news|24/01/25

Improving working conditions in social services: 10 recommendations

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A new report from the partners in the European IWorCon project, which aims to improve working conditions in the social sector (social and medico-social in France), enhance its attractiveness and strengthen the capacity of employers’ organisations, sets out ten recommendations to this end.

The ten recommendations, accompanied by proposals for action, were drawn up by multinational working groups comprising representatives of employers and trade unions (EPSU) on the basis of research carried out by the HIVA Institute (KU Leuven, Belgium):

  1. OSH risks assessment at organisation level
  2. Improving physical health at work
  3. Improving mental health at work
  4. Management’s training on OSH risks prevention
  5. Managing change
  6. Preventing Occupational Disintegration and Reintegrating Employees
  7. Work-life balance
  8. Managing diversity and gender
  9. Managing age
  10. Improving skills leading to better Jobs.

In conclusion, the authors stress that indicators are essential, making it possible to measure and monitor progress, performance or trends over time on the basis of quantifiable data. In OHS, indicators are used to measure the success of prevention plans. They vary according to the subject and must correspond to the measures implemented. For example, they include the number and type of work-related accidents, the number of days of sick leave and the average length of sick leave.

Qualitative data from surveys also provides valuable information. Comparing these indicators with data from social security schemes or other social service providers is useful. This can be done within the same networks.

Constant monitoring, year after year, is essential. It enables progress to be assessed and the guidelines to be updated and improved. Finally, it helps to implement corrective measures.

Summary report in English
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