Community news|12/11/24

Is climate change making work in Europe more dangerous?

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Is climate change making work in Europe more dangerous?

Climate change has become part of everyday life in Europe. In the 25th episode of Eurofound Talks, a series of podcasts on key issues affecting life and work in Europe, researchers discuss its impact on working conditions and the labour market, the role of the green transition and how policies can protect workers and their jobs.

Mary McCaughey talks to Eurofound researchers Agnès Parent-Thirion, Tina Weber and Jorge Cabrita. The discussion follows the publication of a new study which shows that workers in these sectors – agriculture, fisheries, forestry, construction, tourism and emergency services – are particularly vulnerable to the direct effects of climate change on job quality. What’s more, 40% of workers in the EU will be directly affected by the green transition.

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