
ITALY: A circular clarifies the regulations on the reintegration of disabled workers in the workforce

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > ITALY: A circular clarifies the regulations on the reintegration of disabled workers in the workforce

In 2017, €21.2 million will be made available by INAIL to support employers in their initiatives to retain disabled workers in employment. A circular published on 30 December 2016 provides some clarification and support for the new regulations.

It concerns actions for workplace improvement, the adjustment and adaptation of work stations, and training. Within the limits of the amounts allocated each year, the Institute will reimburse and/or pay beforehand employers’ expenses for the implementation of re-employment measures. For construction work on installations and/or automation, for example, the maximum amount is €95,000. For workplace adaptation, such as furniture, technological aids and devices or IT systems, the amount reimbursed can be up to €40,000. 

To promote the measures, INAIL is organizing a communication campaign in the press, on Internet, on television and on the social networks. This campaign started on 31 December 2016 and will continue up to between mid-January and February. Information activities will then be continued throughout the year, and local events will be organized by INAIL with the participation of the stakeholders.

Circulaire n. 51 30 December 2016 (in Italian)

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