
ITALY: over 51,000 coronavirus infections at work

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > ITALY: over 51,000 coronavirus infections at work

According to INAIL’s 7th national report, 51,363 cases of contagion to the coronavirus in the workplace were reported to the Institute as at 31 July. This represents an increase of 1,377 cases in one month. The fatal cases (276) account for about a third of the total number of deaths reported. They mainly concern men (83.3%), aged 50-64 years (69.9%) and over (20%). The ratio is reversed for contagions, with women being the most affected: 71.4% of cases.

Almost 72% of reported infections and 23.4% of fatal cases were recorded in the health and social care sector (hospitals, rest and retirement homes, institutes, clinics, university polyclinics, homes for the elderly and disabled). Together with the public health bodies (Asl), the health sector accounted for 80.6% of infections and 33.7% of deaths. More than 83% of those infected are nurses.

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