
ITALY: Women and sinistrality at work

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > ITALY: Women and sinistrality at work

On the occasion of Women’s Day, INAIL has published a dossier on the female sinistrality at work. It reveals that between 2014 and 2018, declarations of accidents at work decreased by 3.3% while female employment increased by 4.7% (compared to 3.9 and 2.4% respectively for men).

The increase in fatal accidents at work was lower for women than for men: +1.8% against 5.1%. More than one in two commuting accidents is fatal. The 50-54 are the most concerned by the accident rate. And more than one out of two reports is concentrated in Northern Italy.

The domestic and family services sector has the highest incidence rate, with 89.7% of reports. It is followed by the health and social assistance sector. In terms of causes, falls and stumbling are the most common (28.3% of cases) for women. They are only in 3rd position for men, the 1st cause concerning them being the total or partial loss of control of a machine, apparatus or vehicle. The majority of injuries affect the hand (but to a lesser extent than for men), the ankle, the spine and the knee.

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