
LUXEMBOURG: Launch of the Vision Zero risks, injuries, fatalities campaign

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > LUXEMBOURG: Launch of the Vision Zero risks, injuries, fatalities campaign

The Accident Insurance Association (AAA) and its partners recently launched the VISION ZERO (2017-2021) campaign aiming to reduce insofar as possible the potential sources of risk at work.

The campaign is mainly intended for employees, young workers, future workers and the general public, but also targets company managers and senior executives. It can be subdivided into two parts: B2C (business to consumer) and B2B (business to business). The first part involves real situations and powerful messages. Everyone is concerned by occupational safety and health. By lending real faces and voices to the campaign, the real-life experiences of witnesses will affect people and raise their awareness of the risks they face. The B2B part is intended mainly for company managers and senior executives, but also targets employees. It involves congratulating companies which comply with occupational safety and health rules and reminding less diligent companies of the importance of such rules. It also aims to enhance recognition of companies which have obtained one or more labels in these areas.

Luxembourg thus joins Germany, which revived the Vision Zéro concept of “a world in which everyone can work in safe and healthy conditions, and is protected from serious or fatal occupational injuries” at the 2014 World Occupational Safety and Health Congress in Frankfurt.

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