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Occupational diseases: A comprehensive inventory from the European Commission

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Occupational diseases: A comprehensive inventory from the European Commission

The European Commission has released a report which EUROGIP has contributed significantly  to through a consortium of national organisations, following a call for tenders by the European Commission. It provides an overview of occupational diseases (OD) in 29 European countries with regard to the recommendation 2003/670/EC on the OD. This report focuses on many aspects: recognition, compensation, prevention, epidemiology, public awareness, statistics etc. It also analyzes the positions of the stakeholders (Government, social partners, insurance …), and discusses emerging risks and prevention practices.

The objective of this study was firstly to show the progress of all 29 countries on every point of the recommendation and secondly to develop a series of recommendations and various scenarios of evolution of the recommendation. The report recommends including:

  • The regular updating of the list of European OD,
  • A greater exchange of information and experience between countries regarding detection systems OD and compensation arrangements,
  • Better reporting of information to the European Commission on the national lists of OD and national research programs,
  • Better reporting of information to the European Commission on the national lists of OD and national research programs,
  • Better cooperation between the European Commission, EU-OSHA, EUROSTAT, Eurofound, ACSH, SLIC and other stakeholders,
  • A series of practical measures to be implemented in the Member States to improve the prevention and detection of OD

Download the report (in English)


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